Monday 9 November 2015

Moving Day!

WOOOOHOOOOOO!! Today is moving day :) I am so excited to see my new stables.

I currently live with the directors of Budget Vets, but they are moving me to a nice posh place where I can play, exercise and train to be in competitions.  I am a very good event horse you see and I like winning lots of pretty rosettes :) I am very excited because I will still get to see all of my lovely friends everyday, but I will also get to make lots of new friends. 

I will be training to compete with my three friends Katrina, Carmen and Fiona.  I've already introduced you to Katrina and Carmen, but keep your eyes peeled for my other friend Fiona as she will be making an appearance soon :)

So we all woke up nice and early and got ready for my move to my new stables.

Time for a couple of photos I got from my swanky camera :)

Bye bye old house :)

We arrived at my new stables and I had two new friend comes to greet me.... I'm not sure what kind of horse they are, but they are very small!

I was very excited to see my new home, there are so many new faces and everyone is very friendly :)

My stable is super amazeballs!! Look how posh it is!! :D

Anyway, I'm off to chat to my new neeeeeiiiiighbours. Speak to you soon :) 


  1. Lovely new house...and cute little friends haha

  2. Lovely new house...and cute little friends haha
